Zodiac Milonga - Friday 07/07/23, night
TDJ: Krzysztof Rumiński, Toruń, PL
I have been running milongas since 2014. I trust that in this way I give people pleasure. Enrique Santos Discépolo once said that tango is a sad thought to be danced. For me, tango is also a flirt with music, as well as a subtle, full of curiosity conversation between partners. (At milongas) I aim at creating a friendly, slightly nostalgic, fascinating dance journey, to which I invite milonga guests. My intention is to play so that the dancers can find themselves in the music and have a good time. I don't have ready-made playlists. I try to carefully observe the atmosphere on the dance floor and depending on it I choose the next tandas. Sometimes, I offer well-known, much-loved melodies, occasionally more demanding for interpretation ones, and at times I find gems, in my opinion, worth being discovered.
Greetings from Toruń and hope to see you here.

Milonga Tu i teraz - Saturday 08/07/23 day
TDJ: Robert Kandefer, Warszawa, PL
Organizator koncertów tanga i regularnej Milongi Tu i Teraz
Bez wątpienia Addicted to Tango. Moja przygoda z tangiem trwa 15 lat i jestem pewien, że tango wciąż będzie moją pasją.
Od 2008r. jestem tdj-em. Od tego czasu grałem na milongach, maratonach i festiwalach w całej Polsce i za granicą (Włochy, Łotwa, Hiszpania, Szwecja, Niemcy, i Rosja). Miałem przyjemność zagrać na imprezach, na których gościły współczesne orkiestry i zespoły tangowe; Roberto Siri Quinteto, Sexteto Milonguero, OT Misteriosa Buenos Aires, Tanghetto, Perfume de Mujer, Duo Ranas, SanLuis Tango, Bandonegro.
Mój styl grania to efekt kilkuletnich poszukiwań i eksperymentów. Jakie są teraz moje Play Listy? Zdecydowanie to tanga z lat czterdziestych ubiegłego wieku z krótkimi wypadami w lata trzydzieste i pięćdziesiąte. Zawsze, kiedy idę prezentować muzykę na milondze staję przed wyzwaniem, jakie tanga wybrać, aby stworzyć oczekiwany na milondze klimat. Na szczęście nie ma dwóch takich samych milong. Różnią je miejsca, pory dnia, ludzie, ich oczekiwania. To powoduje, że do każdej milongi można podjeść indywidualnie. Daje to także ogromne możliwości realizowania własnych pomysłów. Reagowania na sytuację na parkiecie i poza nim. Kreowania emocji poprzez zagranie „tej" muzyki w „tym" czasie.

Gingerbread Milonga - Saturday 08/07/23, evening
TDJ: Igoris Saburov, Vilnius, Lithuania
I love all tango music. In milongas I prefer to play music of Golden Era, although I am not categorical and tries to feel the interest of the dancing people. I was Djing in towns of Lithuania and Latvia ,for two consecutive years (2013-2014) he was elected the best DJ in Lithuania. The most important events at which I performed:
2013: 5th Tango Fiesta in Vilnius; 1st Riga Tango Marathon; Tango salon Alyvinė milonga Le Gout(Lithuania); Milonga Bistrampolio dvare(Lithuania); Nida tango retreat (Lithuania), The 6th Vilnius Tango Fiesta(Lithuania); 3-years anniversary of our milonga in “Balta Pirts” (White Bathhouse) in Riga; The 2th Riga Tango Marathon; selected by tango communities of major cities for Djing Milonga Gardel - the annual event of Tango Community of Lithuania; Gardelinė milonga (Lithuania); Winter Tango Marathon Vilnius; Vintage Grand Milonga Latvia; 2014: LITHUANIA’S INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION MILONGA- Latvia; Big milonga Alexsandra; The Polish-Lithuanian milonga Vilnius; Pan Milonga. Atvirame dvaro kiemelyje ir GYVA MUZIKA; 2nd Nida Tango Retreat; Tango Port Marathon ,Tallinn,Estonia; Amber Hearts Tango Marathon Carnikava, Latvia; SEASIADE TANGO WEEKEND Palanga, Lithuania; TAN(GO)THIC Marathon Torun, Poland; VIII Baltic Tango Festival Vilnius, Lithuania; 4-years anniversary of the milonga in "Balta Pirts” (White Bathhouse) Riga, Latvia; TANDEM TANGO MARATHON 2, RIGA, LATVIA; MILONGA "TangoKaunui - 6 metukai", Kaunas; MILONGA GARDEL, Vilnius; Lithuanian Tango Weekend in Minsk, Belarus; Vintage Grand Milonga Riga,Latvia; 2015: NAUJAMETINĖ MILONGA - PASITINKANT METUS,Tango Link,Vilnius,Lithuania; Tango weekend with teachers OLGA LEONOVA ir VIACHESLAV IVANOV (Maskva, Rusija), Vilnius, Lithuania; The first 'encuentro milonguero' in Bruges - Belgium; Tango in DRUSKININKA ,Lithuania; MILONGUERO SUMMER; El Fuego Marathon in Warsaw, Poland; Tango Port Tallinn, Estonia; Tan(GO)thic Marathon Torun, Poland; MINSK TANGO FUSION, Belarus; TE QUIERO LISBOA! 3 Encuentro Re Milonguero Lisbon ,Portugal; Milonga"Tango Community in Kaunas is turning into 7 years-old",Kaunas, Lithuania; Lithuanian Tango Weekend 5th edition In Minsk , Belarus; New Year Milonga Tango Link Vilnius,Lithuania; 2016: Rīga Milonga Weekend, Riga, Latvia; Spring Tango Weekend South Tyrol, Bolzano, Merano,Italy; Argentine tango Baltic Open Cup 2016 in Riga,Latvia; 3° AVVENTURA MILONGUERA PEACE & LOVE in NOCI Puglia Italy; Milonga Florida, Paris,France; Tan(GO)thic - Tango Marathon Torun, Poland; Minsk Tango Fusion Marathon in Minsk, Belarus; Tango Friends Meeting 6th edition in Mouscron, Belgium; Riga MILONGA Weekend, Fall Edition Latvia; Milonga dell'Angel in Merano,Italy; La Matilde winter edition Reggio Emilia,Italy; New Year Milonga-Carneval Riga,Latvia; 2017: Encuentro milonguero "Riga Embrace 9" Latvia; La Ronda de la Primavera Kehl,Germany; Milonga - the opening of the festival will be a celebration of the 10th ANNIVERSARY OF TANGO in HiCentrs !!!; 3nd Argentine tango Baltic Open Cup and Latvian Championship; Riga Tango Fiesta; RioGrande Tango Marathon - Pskov, Russia; Dans Tes Bras, Encuentro milonguero Paris, France; Encuentro Boca Antwerp, Belgium; 2018: Totally in tango - Ryga,Latvia; Encuentro Milonguero Moscow, Russia; Minsk Open Tango Weekend Minsk,Belarus; Riga Embrace - Jurmala Edition 2, Latvia; Taranta Tango Social Club Weekena #3, Brugges, Belgium; Encuentro de Navidad 8 in Kehl, Germany; 2019: 1st Tango Festival "Cinco Sentidos" in Kaunas, Lithuania; Milonga Portena Annyversary Fest in Kaunas, Lithuania; Encuentro Ia Sabauda 2019 Turin, Italy; Lago Azul Tango Weekend in Olsztyn, Poland; Milonguero Summer 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania; Re-Raduno (Riga Embrace-Raduno) in Jumurda, Latvia; Encuentro Boca Antwerp 5 Belgium; Totally in Tango, Nerja, Spain; Encuentro de Brujas (autumn edition) Bruges, Belgium; Mi Noche Milonguera Milan Italy; Winter Tango Marathon in Vilnius Lithuania; Vintage Grand Milonga in Riga Latvia; 2020: Tallinn Encuentro Milonguero Tallinn, Estonia; Vilnius Summer Tango Weekend in Vilnius, Lithuania; RE-Raduno-2*Riga Embrace Summer Meeting; 2021: Vilnius Milonguero Summer Tango Marathon Vilnius, Lithuania; Kyiv Tango Marathon in Kyiv,Ukraine; Re-Raduno3*Riga Embrace, Jumurda, Latvia; Vilnius August Special Tango Marathon; 2022: Riga Embrace - Jūrmala Latvia; Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena in Nijmegen, Netherlands; Milonguero Summer 2022, Vilnius Tango Marathons, Lithuania; Riga Summer Tango Marathon Latvia; Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena Criolla in Veckenstedt, Germany; Encuentro La Parada Milonguera in Treviso, Italy; 2023 New Year's Eve Encuenrto Milonguero in Tallinn, Estonia; 2023: Encuentro Embrace Noche De Pasion Bad Schwalbach, Germany; Totally in Tango*TIT@Nantes, Nantes, France; Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena, Nijmegen, Netherlands; ....

Gingerbread Milonga - Saturday 08/07/23 night
TDJ: Roberto Rampini, Milan, Italy
Roberto Rampini is an International tango DJ.
Art runs in his family (the mother was an opera singer). He is playing in many Italian Milongas and in festivals and marathons in Italy and abroad. He has worked in Italy, Switzerland, France, Poland, Latvia, Belorus, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Albania, Thailand, Germany, Turkey, lithuania, bulgaria and will soon work in other European and non European countries.
Roberto proposes “the dance tune” for everybody and he is appreciated for the great energy and enthusiasm that he puts in his nights. He proposes a mostly classical repertoire with thrilling and captivating music also played by the greatest and contemporary Orchestras. You will certainly not get bored with Roberto Rampini on the Deck!

Gingerbread Noon - Sunday 09/07/23, day
TDJ: Łukasz "Tango" Laskowski, Biskupice (Poznań), PL
Associated with tango for 10 years. In his music choices, he pays attention to building the mood on the dance floor and maintaining positive energy.
He prefers classical works by well-known and respected masters.

Mercurio Milonga - Sunday 09/07/23 night
TDJ: Peter Stefanics, Budapest/Gdansk, Hungray/PL
I started playing in the late ‘90s in New York City, then DJ’d and organized milongas in Budapest and Gdansk.
My goal is to inspire both beginner and advanced dancers – to not have too much drama and vary the energy to keep people dancing. I play mostly Golden Age orchestras such as D’Arienzo, Troilo, Biagi, Di Sarli, Tanturi, Pugliese, Calo, Fresedo, D’Agostino, Laurenz & De Angelis in a T-T-M-T-T-V structure with a balance of instrumentals and vocals. Here and there I add some Lomuto, OT Victor, Canaro, Malerba or Carabelli for variety.

Mercurio Aires Milonga - Saturday, Sunday flash-mob
TDJ: Michał Kaczmarek, Poznan/Bielsko-Biala PL
Also known as Monk

Tango in Torun * Dates of upcoming milongas
Piernikowa (Gingerbread):
Zima / Winter: February 7/8/9 '25
Lato / Summer: July 11/12/13 '25
Milonga Mayor
December 14 4.30pm - 9 pm
Dom Muz, Okólna 169
No.256: October 16
No.257: October 30
Wejsciowka Cafe, Plac Teatralny 1
7.30 pm - 11 pm
Mercurio Aires:
No.026: Spring 2025
No.027: Spring 2025
Amphitheater in the Park, Bydgoska 70
5 pm - 7 pm
Zawartość menu:
* Tango - informacje ogólne, ABC * Milongi - w Toruniu: gdzie, kiedy, wielkość * Milonga Piernikowa - szczegóły największej naszej Milongi *
* Festiwal Milong - szczegóły najbliższej edycji Pierników