Everyone knows their palate and tummy best, so they can take care of them themselves. We recommend...
Adress: Dominikańska 6(near TNT, Column Hall)
Promotion: 20% discount on all dishes (except drinks)
Duration: July 7/8/9 Password: TANGO
Menu: https://zjemy.co/menu-biesiadowo-torun
The Toruń version of Pizzeria Besiadowo, i.e. a highlander atmosphere among the Gothic walls.

Adress: Rynek Staromiejski 6 (ground floor of the Artus Court)
Promotion: 10% discount on all dishes (except drinks)
Duration: July 8/9 Password: TANGO
Menu: http://restauracjaluizjana.pl/torun-dwor-artusa,menu,pl
In our restaurant you will find dishes of Louisiana Creole cuisine.

Tango in Torun * Dates of upcoming milongas
Piernikowa (Gingerbread):
Zima / Winter: February 7/8/9 '25
Lato / Summer: July 11/12/13 '25
Milonga Mayor
December 14 4.30pm - 9 pm
Dom Muz, Okólna 169
No.256: October 16
No.257: October 30
Wejsciowka Cafe, Plac Teatralny 1
7.30 pm - 11 pm
Mercurio Aires:
No.026: Spring 2025
No.027: Spring 2025
Amphitheater in the Park, Bydgoska 70
5 pm - 7 pm
Zawartość menu:
* Tango - informacje ogólne, ABC * Milongi - w Toruniu: gdzie, kiedy, wielkość * Milonga Piernikowa - szczegóły największej naszej Milongi *
* Festiwal Milong - szczegóły najbliższej edycji Pierników